Our Linux Content Is Moving To A Newsletter Format — See You There!

Jason Evangelho
4 min readMar 25, 2021


The short version: traditional web publishing is dying, and there are sweeping changes coming to Medium (again). Because you deserve to read what you choose, and not have an algorithm choose for you, I’m moving the majority of my written content to a free email newsletter called Tech For Everyone.

You can read the first 8 issues and subscribe to it here:

The Longer Version:

I’m tired of writing for algorithms. It has sucked the fun out of everything and I’ve lost the “fire” for covering Linux, open source and consumer tech worlds.

I want to write for people, not search engines.

Algorithms are controlling our lives in subtle but startling ways. What we choose to consume on Spotify, YouTube and Netflix impacts our future recommendations. Who we follow and what we say on Twitter or Facebook today has a direct impact on the opinions that surround us tomorrow.

Gradually, our timelines tilt and our streams shift. The comfortable bubbles we live inside of pivot by a few degrees. By now it’s not outlandish to suggest that even our behavior changes when algorithms present their manufactured reality to us.

If you’re not careful, an algorithm can destroy your soul. At the very least, it can decimate your creativity and suppress your passion.

I want my words to go directly from my brain to your inbox. I want you to be able to voice your opinion about something without registering or jumping through hoops. It should be as easy as hitting the reply button on your email client.

That’s why the future of my content will be delivered via the Tech For Everyone newsletter. No logins, no paywalls, no registration walls, no hassle. Just enter your email address and enjoy the content.

I’m building this newsletter to be approachable and conversational. More importantly, I want to inject it with a heaping helping of FUN. So don’t expect stories that go so far into the weeds that your eyes glaze over, or some technical analysis that makes your head spin.

But where are my manners? In case we haven’t met, I’m Jason Evangelho, your captain and guide on this tech adventure. Over the last decade, I’ve written full-time for Forbes and freelanced for sites like PC World, Hot Hardware and Upload VR.

I also created the Linux For Everyone podcast and YouTube channel.

I enjoyed a gig marketing Radeon graphics at AMD and working alongside Apple for the 2016 MacBook Pro launch. I even had a stint cleaning Amtrak trains on the graveyard shift.

Regardless of where I’ve been or what I’ve done, I’ve always been a storyteller.

And isn’t that where technology should shine? It should capture our imagination, help us tell better stories, help us connect with the world around us — without getting in our way.

So what kind of stuff can you expect there?

Mostly Linux and consumer tech stories presented in a conversational, approachable way. But let me get more detailed:

  • Control my next review by deciding which of 3 cool gadgets I’ll buy (like $6 fake Roombas or Linux-powered handheld consoles)
  • Need help building a basic PC or a kickass gaming rig (erm, once you can afford the parts)? I’ve got your back.
  • Community Voice, a regular feature that highlights YOUR opinions and stories.
  • Music For Everyone: the best music you’ve never heard, recommended by the Linux For Everyone family.
  • It’s cool having lots of CPU cores, but can you have 249 Chrome tabs open? Can you game AND stream at the same time?
  • Ask me anything (but keep it classy)!
  • Long term reviews for everyday people.
  • Tips and tricks to make your tech life better.
  • Twisted Tech: the weirdest gadgets you’ve never heard of!
  • And whatever we come up with next

I’ll be opening the doors for contributions on the newsletter as well, but let’s build up an audience first, and have some fun talking about Linux, open source, consumer tech, and whatever else captures our imagination.

Subscribe to it here, and thanks as always for following my ever-evolving Linux journey.



Jason Evangelho
Jason Evangelho

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