Introducing The ‘Linux For Everyone’ Podcast: Welcome /home

One year ago I finally got fed up with Windows. The buggy updates, the lengthy installation times, the constant nags, the telemetry, the bloatware, your privacy settings getting — oops — accidentally reset.
That’s when I found Ubuntu and everything changed.
When I made that switch in July 2018, all I really wanted out of my daily driver was something simple. Headache-free. An OS that respected my privacy, didn’t constantly annoy me, and just got out of my way and let me work.
That’s not exactly what happened. I went down the rabbit hole. Well, a ton of rabbit holes!
If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be some kind of Linux influencer and advocate, a critic that big distributions paid attention to, I would have called you crazy. Distro-hopping? No way, I don’t have time for that! Using the command line? Setting up Nextcloud and Mumble servers? Benchmarking games and graphics cards on Linux? Hosting open source projects on GitHub? You’re insane!
Fast forward to today, and I think about 90% of what I write at Forbes is all about Linux and the open source world. At first I considered it a hobby, a diversion, a side project. A professional risk, honestly. Then it became something I looked forward to waking up every day and not just learning about, but enthusiastically writing about. Just throwing myself into it head first.
That’s because something happened. The something that grabs hold of you in a completely unexpected way. The something that compels us to keep exploring, keep digging deeper into that rabbit hole and all those other rabbit holes!
The something that binds us together with an absolutely stellar, friendly and helpful community.
This show is about that something.
Welcome to Linux For Everyone. A podcast about desktop Linux, open source software, and the people creating it.
It’s a weekly podcast designed for Linux newcomers and veterans alike. And I hope you enjoy it!